• Frits Thissen, Jacob de Heus
  • Meltwater
  • 16 april 2020

Three urgent questions about Crisis Communication

Meltwater organized a webinar with the topic ‘crisis communication’. Find a selection of questions answered by our speaker Matías Rodsevich – CEO of PRlab and our crisis comms experts Frits & Jacob. Watch the full webinar here.

How do you prioritize PR crisis comms in an environment where PR is not prioritized by final decision-makers?

Matías: After the 2008 financial crisis, there were many problems that followed for companies who tried to bounce back into business mode. They prioritized short-term shareholder interests, which did not create sustainable value. Their incentives were clouded by financial reasons and could have destroyed economic and social values. Good PR expertise will counsel the decision-makers towards long-term growth.

Frits: PR can support struggling departments during crises, which often is sales. Leverage your PR expertise on how to boost sales through PR by, e.g. strengthening brand reputation in order to build trust among prospects. If you have numbers that back up your ideas, it will make your case even stronger! 

What opportunities do you foresee for PR professionals in a post-pandemic world and which industries will benefit most?

Matías: Opportunities are amids in networks that may have strengthened, video services and advertising, and media platforms for content. Clearly, the supply chain has the most immediate business impact and subsequently companies that heavily rely on supply chains for their business. This pandemic only reveals the industries that are essential to our society’s function and that includes the need for 5G technology and other remote interactions.


Jacob: We observed a significant increase in online traffic. Whether it is consuming, connecting or doing business online – the share volume went up. Potentially, the post-pandemic world will build upon this trend, due to efficiency plus fear of a similar situation in the future. PR professionals who focus on the field of e-reputation will therefore hold great value to most industries.

How do you deal with different comms decisions makers (e.g. EMEA HQ vs Global HQ)

Matias: It’s important to have everyone interact (digitally) face to face and ask what they want to communicate. Adapt the messaging to local markets. You want to consider adapting the messaging from global HQ to where you are, backing it up with relevant data to demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about. That way instead of being told two different things, you are mediating the situation and allowing them to come to an agreement on what the proper communication is. 

Over de auteur

Matías Rodsevich is CEO of PRlab

Frits is Client Success Manager at Meltwater

Jacob de Heus is New Business Director at Meltwater

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