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Maarten van Haasteren Michiel van Vlimmeren Mark Blockhuys Milan Bosman Arnold Struik Joffrey Hoijer Rob Peters Maarten van Beek

Maarten van Beek (MA, MSc) is HR Director for ING in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (approx 24.000 FTE’s); and part of the Management Team. In his current role Maarten focusses on building an cross border, agile organization to deliver on ING’s digital platform strategy.

Maarten holds a Master of Arts in Organisational Psychology from Leiden University and a Master of Science in Human Resource Development from Twente University. Maarten did part of his studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. He is working on his PhD in Leadership Development and (national) culture.

During his time in Sweden and in the MedTech / Health Care Industry Maarten worked as HR Director EMEA, focussing on sales capability and performance & talent management in EMEA before he got promoted to EVP HR and Corporate Communications. Before working in the Health Care / Med Tech industry, Maarten worked for 10 years within the FMCG industry at Unilever. Within Unilever he held a wide range of positions: HR manager for Factories, Head of Recruitment, Global Talent Management, OE and Learning manager Europe, HR Director Foodsolutions Latin America (based in Brazil) and HR Director Africa, Asia and Middle East (based in Singapore).

Maarten lived and worked in Brazil, Singapore, Sweden and the US. Due to his regional responsibilities he traveled and worked in wide range of countries including all key BRIC(MIST) countries.

Maarten currently serves at the boards of the NPO (Dutch Public Television),
Cordaid (NG) and the Josh Bersin Academy. Maarten was a member of the Board of the Leiden University Fund and responsible for Alumni of Leiden University; next to that he served in the Board of a young Theater group called Annette Speelt and The Kessler Foundation which takes care of the homeless people. From 2005 to 2007 Maarten was Director in the Board of the International Leadership Association in Washington DC.

Maarten lives in The Hague, the Netherlands. Maarten was born in the South of the Netherlands in Geleen. Next to reading, traveling, and collecting contemporary art he enjoys good meals and great wines.

Luuk Slaats

Per 1 juni 2018 opereren,, Infotheek en Scholten Awater onder één naam: Centralpoint. Met ruim 500 medewerkers en vestigingen in Amstelveen, Nijmegen, Wijchen en Rotselaar (België) is Centralpoint de grootste IT-reseller van de Benelux.

Centralpoint gelooft dat technologie een belangrijk middel is om persoonlijke ambities te bereiken. Wij zorgen ervoor dat professionals zonder zorgen kunnen werken met de beste technologie. Dit doen we door IT centraal te stellen. Wij garanderen een feilloos werkende IT-omgeving waarin medewerkers altijd en overal toegang hebben tot veilige data. Het resultaat? Uw mensen halen het beste uit zichzelf en er is voldoende tijd voor de ontwikkeling en innovatie van uw business.

Met onze jarenlange ervaring en heldere visie op IT adviseren wij heel werkend Nederland en België, van de bakker op de hoek tot aan grote overheidsinstellingen, over onze concrete IT-oplossingen. Of het nu gaat om circulair inkopen, online bestelgemak of dienstverlening rondom beheer, beveiliging, onderhoud en logistiek. Ons team van enthousiaste professionals brengt een merkonafhankelijke en passende oplossing voor elke organisatie.

Michel van Teijlingen Mark Vermeer Pieter Mul